Homeworking - Posture, breaks and exercising

Working from home has become the new normal for many of us and it's likely that more agile ways of working are here to stay. But swapping your usual workstation for the kitchen table or sofa may contribute to neck, shoulder and back ache if not managed appropriately. The main problem is likely to be sitting slouched over with poor posture.

Access tips on working from home, including some suggestions on how best to set-up your workspace and the importance of remaining active and mobile.

It is recognised that many colleagues working from home are setting up their workstation within the constraints of the home environment. Nonetheless the importance of good posture while working should not be underestimated, in order to avoid physical strain. If you haven't already please consider the guidance at NHS Live Well and also check out this clip which provides a few practical tips.

Colleagues based at work stations using display screen equipment (DSE) should have a DSE assessment completed - please speak with your line manager.

Video Exercises

Some of the best stretch and strength based video exercises to support colleague's health and wellbeing whilst homeworking can be found via the following links:

No matter how well the workstation is designed, problems may arise where work organisation is poor. Working at a computer, wherever that may be, often involves few changes in your body position, so there is a need to ensure you remain active.

Colleagues are encouraged to follow simple steps such as:

  • breaking up long spells of DSE work with regular breaks - e.g. short breaks every 30 mins - or changes in activity
  • avoiding awkward, static postures by regularly changing position;
  • getting up and moving or doing stretching exercises;
  • avoiding eye fatigue by changing focus or blinking from time to time.

As well as trying to keep active with new friends like Joe Wicks or through your daily dose of out-of-the-house exercise, why not include some daily workstation exercises?

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