What is low mood?
Am I depressed?

Feeling low or down from time to time doesn't always mean some-thing is wrong. Feeling low is common after distressing events or major life changes but sometimes periods of low mood happen for no obvious reason.

You may feel tired, lacking confidence, frustrated, angry and worried. A low mood will often pass after a couple of days or weeks and there are some easy things you can try and small changes you can make that will usually help to improve your mood.

Signs of low mood:

  • Sad
  • Worried, anxious or panicky
  • More tired than usual or being unable to sleep
  • Angry or frustrated
  • Low on confidence or self-esteem
  • Not interested in things

Or you might notice you start:

  • Withdrawing from your usual activities, particularly ones you used to enjoy or value
  • Spending less time with those you care about
  • Having trouble sleeping
support is available

The tips on this NHS page should help if you're experiencing a low mood, but you may also want to find out about what further support is available.


Still feeling down?

If you're still feeling down or no longer get pleasure from things for most of each day and this lasts for several weeks, you may be experiencing depression. When we are depressed, we tend to think more negatively about our past, are critical of ourselves and feel hopeless about our future.


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